Positive Council

The Positive Council is an expert body that campaigns for the interests of people with HIV, hepatitis and co-infections. It has expertise in the areas of health, law, lobbying and communication. The Positive Council consists of people with HIV, their relatives or professionals who show solidarity with them.

Its members have professional or personal knowledge and experience in medical, nursing, psychosocial, political or communicative matters. The Positive Council is a non-profit organisation based in Zurich, and the chairmanship rotates every two years.

The aim of the Positive Council is to improve the living situation of people with HIV, hepatitis and co-infections. This includes improving the legal situation, optimising medical care and eliminating legal or social disadvantages as well as promoting scientific research in the field of HIV/AIDS, hepatitis and co-infections. The Positive Council seeks contact with other organisations active at home and abroad.

Each year, the Positive Council focuses on lobbying, patient expertise and networking. With its expertise, it is available to partners from politics, industry and other organisations as a point of contact, works together with the Swiss Cohort Study and represents the interests of people with HIV, hepatitis and co-infections vis-à-vis service providers. The Positive Council supports research programmes and clinical studies and is involved in the development or improvement of medicines. It works in a network with other national and international organisations.

If you would like to stand up for the interests of people with HIV, hepatitis and co-infections and have expertise or experience in the areas of health, law, lobbying or communication, then become a member of the Positive Council! Your support is important to improve the lives of these people and eliminate disadvantages. Get in touch with us and become part of our community!

Website (German or French): https://positivrat.ch/