Positive Life Magazine

The magazine about living with HIV.

The Positive Life Magazine is a publication of the Swiss AIDS Federation and is designed for people living with HIV. It is published four times a year. Here we discuss legal, medical and social issues. People living with HIV also share their experiences in the magazine. We look for a variety of answers to the question: How do you lead a good life with HIV?

Order an annual subscription for CHF 50 in our online shop.

We also have free subscriptions for people in precarious situations - simply contact us at mag@positive-life.ch.

In a world flooded with information, myths are often more persistent than facts. This also applies to the topic of HIV. Although we now know a lot about the virus and its treatment thanks to scientific advances, outdated and misconceptions are still widespread. On page 8 of this issue, we find out why myths arise and what can be done to counter them.

Myths relating to the law are also widespread - these are debunked on page 18. We also take a look at this year's World AIDS Conference and introduce Alberto Pereira da Silva, a long-time HIV activist.
Enjoy reading and, as always, we look forward to your feedback at mag@positive-life.ch.